Sunday, January 13, 2008

Persuasion, or Sex on Legs

This doesn’t really advance the plot, but c’mon. Do I need a reason?

In celebration of the premiere of "The Complete Jane Austen" on Masterpiece Theatre in the US, I present you with "Persuasion" 2007 picspam, starring the very attractive Sally Hawkins and the extremely attractive Rupert Penry-Jones.

Images marked with an asterisk were edited out of the American broadcast, but will, I'm told, be available on the DVD. Screen caps courtesy of the lovely angelfish_icons.

While nothing, in my opinion, can compare to the '95 version, there is much to enjoy in this adaptation. (Like asking the eternal question: When exactly did Rupert Penry-Jones get so hot? I remember him from back in the day when he did "The Student Prince" aka "The Prince of Hearts" and the boy did not look like this. The years have been kind to him.)

So without further ado, Persuasion, or Sex on Legs.

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